Installation - create client shortcut

Each client needs its own shortcut to be started. This is a very important section in the installation of the product.

What you need to know before setting up a shortcut:

  • Find out what the connection name is. You can find this in the configuration manager under the database connections section. (Assuming the connection was defined before)
  • Find out what the executable name is for your client. Executables can be found in the prodbx\clients directory. Depending on the client type you need:
    Type Executable
    ODBC ConnectionclientODBC.exe
    OLEDB ConnectionclientODBC.exe
    ADO ConnectionclientActiveX.exe
    SMS ConnectionClientSMS.exe
    MAIL ConnectionClientMail.exe
    FILEHANDLER ConnectionClientFileHandler.exe
    RECORDFILE ConnectionClientRecordFile.exe
    OPC ConnectionclientOPC.exe
    FIXED FILE ConnectionClientFixedFile.exe
    @AGLANCE ConnectionClientAAG.exe

Use the Windows explorer to create a new shortcut.

Go to the Prodbx 'start menu' folder.

  • For Windows NT4 this is in the \Winnt\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\PRODBX
  • For Windows 2000 and XP this is \Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\PRODBX

If you want to have the shortcut user dependent then change the 'All Users' into the username.

Right-click and select New - Shortcut. A dialog box will appear to enter the location of the executable.


Browse to the location where your executable is installed in, select the executable as explained in the table here above.

Add the shortcut options (see picture) after the executable name. As a minimum you should define the /C option, which is the name of the connection this client should work for. See below for possible options.

Option Description
/C:connection Specifies the connection to work for
/I:computername When installing PRODBX, the installation script will create a system variable DispatcherIP and set this variable to the computername where your dispatcher is installed. This computername is entered during the installation procedure.
If you don't want to connect the client to the dispatcher on that machine, but to a dispatcher on a different machine, you must specify this in this option.
Remark: this option is also available for the configuration manager and logging manager.
/NOBATCH If your client only uses the trigger base channel, you can disable the batch channel with this option.
/NOTRIGGER If your client only uses the batch channel, you can disable the trigger base channel with this option.
/NOLOG Per default PRODBX will log everything, including internal variables. If you don't want all this information, then specify this option to filter the information style logging. Only errors in the range of 5000 will be written in the log.
/LOGN:number If you want to limit the number of consecutive identical log entries you can specify this parameter, and limit the number to the number specified.
This parameter is only for low importance logging.
/LOGC:number If you want to limit the number of consecutive identical log entries you can specify this parameter, and limit the number to the number specified.
This parameter is only for critical logging.
/LOGB:number If you want to limit the number of consecutive identical log entries you can specify this parameter, and limit the number to the number specified.
This parameter is only for blocking type logging.
/DIALUP Only for DCOM. If you want to use a dial-up connection to the server, you must specify this option. A menu option will appear in the client to synchronize with the dispatcher whenever you have connection.
/CD Enable Connect:Direct support. Only applicable for sending Fixed file client. Connect:Direct support is only for sending files using Connect:Direct scripting.

Press Next.


Type the name you want to appear in the start menu for this connection client.

If you want to have connection clients to startup as soon as your computer is started, you can cut and paste this schortcut in the startup folder.